Delia Poma

Delia PomaBLOG

Hello, I am Delia and I participated in the project “I am sports+ volunteer” in Sorgun, Turkey. This project included Italian and Turkish young people and it focused on the importance of sports and well-being, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. Lack of exercise can have negative effects on people's well-being, and that period affected life in a negative way both in the sport and social aspects. Therefore, it is important to encourage physical activity and promote a healthy lifestyle. To achieve this goal, we organized sports courses for young people, and taking part in the activities also helped us improve our skills in the field of sports. From the point of view of the social aspect, we had the opportunity to meet people, make friends, and collaborate effectively to organize a range of activities.

We explored natural areas through various outdoor activities and we put a focus on the importance of environmental awareness and how it plays a significant role in our future. By becoming more conscious of the environment, we can understand the impact of our decisions and their potential consequences for the world and the nature around us. Furthermore, we participated in activities such as orienteering and trekking, where we had the opportunity to discover the natural places of the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. In addition, we organized eco-themed games, collected garbage, and encouraged the use of alternative materials to reduce the use of plastic.

Throughout the project, we provided English courses and we taught the language through dialogue, interactions, and games. This approach allowed us to conceive linguistic competencies differently and students could develop their speaking and listening skills while having fun and gaining more confidence.

Additionally, being in a multicultural environment provided the opportunity to compare different languages and it is a great way to expand linguistic knowledge. The experience of language teaching was beneficial as we had the possibility to teach also our native language, improve our linguistic abilities and learn the language of the country we were visiting.

Visiting Turkey allowed us to discover its textiles, ceramics, landscapes, traditional food, and history, and we experienced Turkish culture also through dance and cuisine, learning the traditional dances and trying local food. Traveling to another country allows you to learn many things, but it is even more rewarding to learn from the people you meet. Through the eyes of people, I saw hospitality, kindness, collaboration, determination, enthusiasm, and healthy competitiveness. It was a wonderful experience that allowed us to create connections, discover similarities between different cultures, and learn more about the world around us.